Review Summary
Feel Cove Review - Can It Really Reduce Stress And Anxiety?
We live in a world where stress and anxiety are inevitable. Demanding jobs, fast-paced environments, and daily life can make anyone start to feel stressed. Not only can stress increase anxiety, but it may also lead to significant health issues, including insomnia, depression, weight gain, and more.
As such, finding an effective way to relieve stress quickly, easily, and effectively is essential. That is where Cove comes in.
Cove is a wearable device that helps you sleep better and stress less.

Below, we will dive into how Cove work so that you can decide whether this stress reduction and sleep improvement device is right for your unique needs.
I felt the benefits from using Cove after the first day and my sleep quality and stress reduction effects from Cove have only gotten even better with consistent daily use!
👉 Try Cove 🔥 HOT DEAL: FREE overnight shipping with code: SUMMMEROFCOVE (ends Labor Day!)
What is Cove?
Cove is an innovative product in the category of wearable stress-relief devices.
Cove assists with stress reduction, sleep improvement, health, and general well-being.
When you are ready to start winding down or de-stress, you simply put on this device and let it go to work for you.
Cove promotes feelings of well-being and stimulate specific neurons in your brain.
In practice, Cove does an excellent job of alleviating anxiety and calming stress. Additionally, this wearable makes falling asleep at night much easier.
Designed to activate the Posterior Insular Cortex, Cove can also help to enhance your overall sense of peace.
Moreover, Cove also comes with an extremely user-friendly and intuitive mobile application.
This smartphone app lets you adjust your device's settings and track your sessions, as well as provide tips.
👉 Try Cove 🔥 HOT DEAL: FREE overnight shipping with code: SUMMMEROFCOVE (ends Labor Day!)
Why should someone use Cove?
There are many reasons to take advantage of Cove Stress Wearable Technology.
Cove devices are comfortable, easy to use, proven to reduce stress, and can help you fall asleep faster.
In fact, the night after I used Cove for the first time I had a great night's sleep. I use a Garmin MKs fitness watch - not only did I have a high sleep score that night but my Body Battery score was in the 90's!
Cove also features state-of-the-art sensors and a user-friendly mobile application that will help guide you into better sleep and a less stressful lifestyle.
Pros of COVE:
- Promotes effortless stress reduction
- Provides pleasurable affective touch sensation
- Helps you fall asleep more easily
- Advanced technology and sensors
- Feedback and guidance are provided through an app
- Comfortable and lightweight
- Backed by science and clinical studies
Cons of COVE:
- Pricey, $490 is a lot to take a risk on something that might not work the way you expected. But don't let the price discourage you from trying Cove. They offer 0% interest free financing and a generous 45-day return (a money back guarantee). Thankfully, you can try Cove risk free for 45 days! This is plenty of time to give Cove a try and feel the improvements in your wellness.
- If you wear glasses, it can feel a little awkward to wear Cove and glasses at the same time. I try to use Cove when I am doing activities that do not require glasses. Examples: cleaning, mediation, walking my dog, etc.
Effortlessly Reduce Your Stress
First of all, Cove devices are one of the easiest options for those who need to reduce their stress and improve their sleep but can't take a lot of time from their day. You can wear Cove as you do other things.
Being able to simply put on your Cove wearable and relax makes the act of de-stressing less stressful! Unlike other stress reduction techniques and devices, Cove can be used along side other daily activities.
I love that making a habit of wearing Cove was effortless and how it integrates easily into my daily routine. A problem I have with other wearables is that they require me to adjust my routine and make time to use them. This leads to me forgetting or telling myself I'll "do it later" ... which doesn't work out lol
Cove is easy to just put on my head and go about what I was doing. Considering the most important part of any stress reduction wearable is consistency, this is key to finding success with Cove.
👉 Try Cove 🔥 HOT DEAL: FREE overnight shipping with code: SUMMMEROFCOVE (ends Labor Day!)
Experience Better Sleep
Cove has proven sleep improvement effects.
Sleep is critical to your health, well-being, mental focus, and immune function. In fact, studies show that adequate sleep can be more effective than bursts of exercise in areas like metabolic function for weight loss!
You could fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and sleep more soundly with Cove.
Enjoy clear guidance and track your progress
Through an innovative mobile application, you can quickly check your progress.
The Cove device is technologically advanced and capable of guiding you into a more restful lifestyle.
Comfortable and Lightweight Design
Since Cove is beautifully lightweight with ergonomic designs, they won't get in the way as you perform daily functions.
With a universal fit, these comfortable devices accommodate most people. The back of the device is retractable so you can expand it to fit your head comfortably.

Clinically Tested and Scientifically Validated
Backed by science, Cove devices actively improve sleep and reduce stress.
In fact, 90% of clinical Cove trial participators found that they felt significantly less stressed after using one of these devices.
In addition to this, 91% of clinical trial participants found that they could fall asleep more easily when using a Cove device. You can read more information about the science behind Cove on the official website.
👉 Try Cove 🔥 HOT DEAL: FREE overnight shipping with code: SUMMMEROFCOVE (ends Labor Day!)
How does it work? The science behind Cove
The science behind Cove involves powerful systems within your brain. These systems are known as interoceptive pathways.
Interoceptive pathways monitor what's going on in your mind and body through your sensory perception.
When these systems are functioning smoothly, you will feel balanced. Relaxed and at ease.
However, when your interoceptive pathways are disrupted, you can start to feel stressed, tired, and unwell in general.
Have you ever experienced feelings of agitation after a long day at the office? This is an example of lingering interoceptive disruption from the activities of your day.
The latest breakthrough neuroscience technology reveals that rebalancing your interoceptive pathways can help to calm your systems and enhance your well-being.
This can lead to dramatic improvements in stress and sleep dysfunctions.
Stress and inadequate sleep can lead to an onslaught of troubling health problems.
These include diabetes, heart disease, weight gain, and depression, to name a few. Driven by changes in the brain linked to chronic stress and poor sleep, disruptions in your interoceptive pathways can worsen these issues.
We use our eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, provide sensory perception, and access external feedback from the body.
In the same way, our interoceptive systems monitor what takes place inside of our bodies. Hunger, breathing, and other autonomic nervous system functions are examples of our interoceptive functions at work.
When your interoceptive pathways are running smoothly, you will experience tangible benefits, including emotional balance, better sleep, and, yes, stress reduction.
Alternatively, when these systems are out of whack, negative physical and mental reactions tend to occur.
Cove implements interoceptive balancing technology using the calming power of touch. Calming physical touch is proven to promote health and well-being. For example, imagine the calming effect of someone caressing your arm.
This feeling of affective touch actually activates your interoceptive pathways in some extraordinarily significant ways.
Indeed, gentle soft physical touches are not only soothing but may be critical to health and well-being.
In fact, in mammals, these affective, physical touch responses have been proven to impact mental well-being and interoceptive pathways by activating the insula. The insula is a critical part of our introspective neural pathway and is located in the insular cortex.
By enhancing interoception responses, Cove can improve sleep and reduce stress.
Validated by numerous clinical studies and multiple brain imaging experiments, Cove can activate your interoceptive pathways and relax your brain tangibly in a single session.
Best of all, Cove devices can have immediate and lasting stress reduction effectiveness.
In just 20 minutes, a Cove session can increase your alpha brain waves in the same way deep meditation does.
Cove devices can strengthen and improve brain activity to create a more resilient interoception system with repeated use.
👉 Try Cove 🔥 HOT DEAL: FREE overnight shipping with code: SUMMMEROFCOVE (ends Labor Day!)
Cove Specs and the Cove App
Now, let's take a look at the specifications of Cove.

Portability and efficiency are important for those who lead busy lives. Cove devices are lightweight and portable.
Dimensions: 67.72mm x 117.54mm x 106.13mm
Weight: 50 grams

Cove batteries last for up to 4 sessions per charge. They have an 85 mAh capacity and are fully charged in 60-80 minutes. The green light on the power button will light up to let you know it is charged and ready to be used.
Cove devices use dual-mode Bluetooth 4.2 technology. Your Cove device will connect with a phone that has the Cove App opened as well. Pairing Cove with your phone is easy and you will be guided step by step when you download the Cove app.
Using The Cove App
Representing the perfect complement to your device, the Cove app helps you stay on track as you build interoceptive pathway resilience! As such, you can quickly get set up and begin using your device right away. From there, you can schedule and initiate sessions. You can also sync your device's data to see your daily Cove device usage streaks and track other progress metrics. This user-friendly app also works with both iOS and Android smart devices.
👉 Try Cove 🔥 HOT DEAL: FREE overnight shipping with code: SUMMMEROFCOVE (ends Labor Day!)
Best place to buy Cove and price
The best place to get your Cove device is through the official website
The full retail price is $490 but you can also opt for the monthly payment program that can be as low as $41 a month at 0% APR for 12 months.
You can learn more about the affirm payment option on the Cove website.
When you buy your Cove wearable through the official retailer you get the benefits of:
- Free shipping within the continental US
- Free 45-day return policy
- 1-year warranty for and repairs or defects
👉 Try Cove 🔥 HOT DEAL: FREE overnight shipping with code: SUMMMEROFCOVE (ends Labor Day!)
What's in the box?

You will get a Cove device in every Cove box, a protective Cove device case, and an included micro USB charger.
It has everything necessary to get started right away, just download the Cove app and follow the instructions.
👉 Try Cove 🔥 HOT DEAL: FREE overnight shipping with code: SUMMMEROFCOVE (ends Labor Day!)
Reviews / Testimonials
Cove has many impressive testimonials and reviews.
Many Cove users reported feeling immediately relaxed.
Other users experienced a great night's sleep after their very first use.
For most Cove users, the full benefits will be reached after consistent use for a few days. Lauren R, age 38, reported that she had been sleeping better since using Cove.
Alternatively, Joseph F, 27, stated that he felt calm and at ease.
My Experience
I've been using Cove for 1.5 weeks so far and I mentioned earlier that I had a well balanced night of sleep after my first day! The most important thing is to stay consistant and use Cove daily. I'm going to post an update after my first full month of use but so far I have felt less stressed.
I find that using Cove before a stressful event really helps me. I wear Cove while doing normal day to day things like walking my dog, cleaning, etc. I noticed that, for example, when I walk my dog my heart rate and stress level is lower during the walks I wear Cove compared to the walks that I do not wear Cove.
By "Stress Level" I am referring to the Stress Level metric measured on my Garmin fitness tracker.
👉 Try Cove 🔥 HOT DEAL: FREE overnight shipping with code: SUMMMEROFCOVE (ends Labor Day!)
Final thoughts on Cove
So can Cove really reduce your stress and anxiety? According to studies, clinical testing, and user reviews, the answer is yes!
Through innovative technology, Cove helps you reconnect with your sense of stabilization and tranquility by sending gentle vibrations in specially calibrated wavelengths through your nervous system.
This aids with affective touch and the improvement of your interoceptive pathways. In time, these wavelengths work to calm and balance your central nervous functions.
When used regularly, these devices offer various health benefits as well.
Cove is also easy to use, well made, and have generally received very positive reviews.
👉 Try Cove 🔥 HOT DEAL: FREE overnight shipping with code: SUMMMEROFCOVE (ends Labor Day!)
Price: $490 or $41/mo
Where to Buy:
Discount Available: none
Source: The sample for this review was provided by Cove.
*The Fitness Junkie’s primary source of revenue is affiliate links in articles like this one. This means I might receive a small commission on purchases at no cost to you. I was not paid to write this review and I only recommend products I feel are of high quality, worth the investment, and beneficial to my readers, friends & family. Thank you for your continued support!
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