Review Summary
A tea detox is generally made up of herbs that are well known to help cleanse your body of harmful chemical buildup. Most people use detoxes either to help with their weight loss goals, or as a part of their healthy lifestyle to cleanse the body every few months.
Depending on your fitness goals, some teas might be better suited for you than others. Thousands of people have achieved beneficial results from detox teas. If you are looking at starting a Tea Detox with the goal of weight loss My Miracle tea would not be your best option. Here is what you need to know about My Miracle Tea and I'll tell you about another Detox tea that will give you better results.

What is My Miracle Tea?
It’s formulated by Dr. Bill Miller. 20 years ago is wanted to formulate a tea based drink that would help people lose weight quickly. The original tea formula is made up of a detoxifying been of natural and organic herbs. The herbs included in the formula are Persimmon Leaf, Malva Leaf, Blessed Thistle and Marshmallow Root.
My Miracle Tea is 100% caffeine free. The original purpose of the tea was to help clean the digestive tract and detoxify the body. The majority of people use it as a supplement to their weight loss efforts. I find this supprising because this tea does not contian ingredients that have any weight loss properties.
My Miracle Tea Ingredients and what does it do?
The tea is made up of a number of organic herbs with various health benefits. Some of the herbs worth highlighting are as follows:
- Persimmon Leaves: these leave cantina a natural compound that binds together with fat particles and helps to remove fat from the body. It is also aimed that persimmon leaves are high in nutrients and contain higher levels of Vitamin C than Green Tea.
- Malva Leaf: These are thought to relax and soothe the lining of the digestive system or to soothe gastro-intestinal inflammation. It’s a mild laxative to help rid your body of any build up.
- Holy Thistle: It has been used medically for over 2000 years. It helps to rid toxins from the bowel.
- Marshmallow Root: Has been used to treat digestive disorders like heartburn, indigestion, and stomach ulcers. It contains antioxidants which have anti-inflammatory properties.
- Ginger: Ginger has been known to relieve nausea, improve stomach performance, reduce inflammation, fight respiratory problems, improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system and even relieve stress.
Note that NONE of the ingredients listed have any weight loss properties. So this tea is not intended to help you lose weight. If you drop a few pounds this is because you are using the bathroom more and that waste build up in your body is leaving. The weight you lose is not fat. You can get toxin clearing teas that do have strong weight loss properties. The best tea detox for weight loss would have to be Fit Life Tea, which also comes with a money back guarantee. You can learn more about Fit Life Tea and how it helps with weight loss by reading my full Fit Life Tea review.
Benefits of My Miracle Detox Tea?
Those who have tried this tea have reported a number of health benefits including a boost in energy, mental clarity, better memory, along with softer and you’re looking skin. If you are looking to clear out your digestive system than this tea would probably do the trick, just make sure you stay close to a bathroom. If you are looking for weight loss, this is not the tea that will help you with that.
My Miracle Tea Reviews and Testimonials
People have had both positive and negative options on this product. Some people did not like the taste and others thought it tasted great. It all depends on your taste preference. Many people started drinking this tea in hopes of weight loss but were quickly dissapointed. Here are a few My Miracle Tea reviews:
"I found it to produce results at only a 4-oz serving, serious stay-close-to-a-bathroom results, with absolutely no weight loss. While I can recommend it as a laxative for those who need one, I cannot recommend it for weight loss.” - Annie
"I dont think this does anything. Ive been taking it for 2 weeks and no change in bowel or weight – not that i cared about weight anyway. But I def think it was a waste of money. Have done different cleanses over the years – and if this one is a cleanse it is very weak. Sorry, but its my experience, and it was expensive for some teabags. And yes, I am using as directed." - Loki
How does it work?
Do be aware that this is a detox. This means the product will cleanse your body so you can expect to have 2 or 3 bowel movements a day while drinking this tea.
With that being said, My Miracle Tea dosage is to drink 1 eight ounce cup twice a day. It is suggested to drink one 8oz but with breakfast and another 8oz cup with dinner. If you happen to feel that you need more, you can add an additional 4-8oz with lunch.
What does My Miracle Tea Cost?
Good question. I was impressed with the cost associated with My Miracle tea. There are many tea detoxes out there with much higher costs. With My Miracle Tea the pricing is as follows:
- 1-Week Trial Supply $5.95
- 1-Month Supply $39.95
- 1-Month Auto Ship Supply $34.95
- Free Shipping is included for all orders.

Bottom Line:
My Miracle Tea is a unique blend of herbs that will cleanse your body of build up and lead to increase in bowel movements.It comes down to the taste factor. Some like it and some do not. I was personally not a fan of the taste. I've had many detox teas that have tasted much better, Fit Life Tea being one of them.
This is not a product I would recommend. I feel like there are much better options, regardless if you are looking for weight loss or not. Out of all the detox teas I have tried my absolute favorite is Fit Life Tea, I also rank Fit Life Tea with the number 1 spot in my Top 5 Tea Detox for Weight Loss article.
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