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Wellness Habits Effect Your Success

Find out how your wellness habits effect your success! Believe it of not but you can't separate your life into categories and focus on some more than other. How you treat your body will effect your health and performance at work. Your energy levels will sway, leading to less productivity. Work/school, eating habits, and exercise are all interconnected. Balance is the key. Skipping a couple workouts a week because you are "strapped for time" might cause more harm than good.Here are reasons from Entrepreneur that will hopefully convince you to spend more time focused on your wellness:

How Your Success Effects Your Success

1. Good food nourishes the body and powers a strong mind.

Did you know that certain foods make you smarter? For entrepreneurs, the best brain-healthy foods include beets, fish, berries, lean protein and walnuts. Eat these to improve your concentration, focus, memory and sharpness. Also, to sleep well, try things like MCT oil, krill oil or raw honey before bed.

Timing is critical too. Avoid letting your hunger dictate when you eat. Research suggests the best time to have breakfast is between 7 and 7:30 a.m., lunch between 12:30 and 1 p.m., and dinner between 6 and 6:30 p.m. Though sticking to a strict meals routine is unrealistic due to congested commutes and sporadic meetings, having rough guidelines for when meals happen provides structure for your diet and provides you enough fuel to conquer your day.

2. Working sleepless yields diminishing returns.

One of the most unhealthy habits professionals have today is bragging about how little sleep they get. While it is admirable a person is willing to put their body and mind through a 48-hour work marathon, it is outright foolish.

Successful entrepreneurs like Arianna Huffington and Marc Andreessenmake it a priority to get a full night’s rest. Workers who consistently burn the midnight oil burnout. Furthermore, overworked professionals tend to be less productive than their peers.

According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, the consequences of sleep deprivation are arguably disastrous to your health and work performance. “In the short term, a lack of adequate sleep can affect judgment, mood, ability to learn and retain information, and may increase the risk of serious accidents and injury. In the long term, chronic sleep deprivation may lead to a host of health problems including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even early mortality.”

Often, workers running on fumes find themselves staring at a blank screen struggling to complete assignments, lashing out and acting irritably, or forgetting to do important tasks. The risks of sleeping less in order to sneak in another hour or two of work far outweigh the rewards, for which, there are few.

3. Exercise refreshes the mind as you exercise the body.

In a brief interview, business magnate Richard Branson suggested, “[exercise] keeps the brain functioning well and I definitely can achieve twice as much in a day by keeping fit.”

Exercise is one of the most important things to put on your agenda - especially when you are stressed. Your brain needs a break and physical activity is the best way to give your mind a rest. So get out there and get moving! Got tips of your own? Share below!

December 27, 2020
December 25, 2020

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