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I love the tech and fitness combo, but I've been disappointed with the lack of yoga technology.
But it appears that it is going to change this year!
The CES 2020 brought to light new tech possibilities to revolutionize yoga.
The star of the show was the world's first AI-powered Yoga Mat.
Here are more details about this bold new tech and what we have to look forward to as more information unrolls.
YogiFi - World's First Smart Yoga Mat

YogiFi is a smart yoga mat that uses AI, pressure sensors, and a companion mobile app to users with a visual instructor as they get realtime feedback on body position.
The user can follow personalized programs and track flexibility, balance, strength, and progress.
How does the YogiFi Smart Yoga Mat work?
Three main components make this technology work.
First, pressure sensors are embedded throughout the physical yoga mat.
These sensors track body position and postures using the amount of pressure exerted at the points the body meets the mat.
The pressure sensors then respond to give the user visual and haptic feedback to adjust to the correct position.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is used to give the user personalized wellness programs from certified yoga professionals.
Practice yoga by getting step-by-step guidance from a virtual yoga instructor.

Lastly, YogiFi has a companion app that goes along with the YogiFi Smart Mat.
The mat and app share information to give the user even more feedback on their yoga practice.
YogiFi is on a mission to make yoga accessible to people of all ages and abilities.
The YogiFi Smart Yoga Mat features are travel-friendly, eco-friendly, outdoor/indoor, and has WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities.
With the YogiFi mobile app, users can plan out yoga sessions, get access to content from gurus across the world, track the daily process, and more!
The app and smart mat can pair with Fitbit and Apple Watch to track and compare a user's vitals before and after a workout.
The YogiFi Smart Yoga Mat will launch in 2020, and you can go to the YogiFi website to learn more and order your mat today.
Yoganotch App and wearable sensors
Yoganotch was showcased at CES 2020.
Yoganotch is a smartphone app and wearable that gives the user realtime feedback and personal cues on posture.
The Yoganotch wearables are 3D motion sensors that work with AI to analyze yoga postures in realtime!

How does the Yoganotch wearable work?
First, a user downloads the Yoganotch app and selects one of the many yoga classes or create their own sequence using the in-app "class designer" feature.
Next, we attach the Notch sensors to our favorite yoga clothing.
The sensors use 3D motion capabilities to analyze yoga poses and posture.
The Notch devices are splash-proof, and water-resistant meaning can be used indoors or outdoors.
The small design makes this the perfect yoga wearable of travelers and light packers.

As you transition from pose to pose, the Yoganotch app guides you through each yoga session and gives you realtime feedback on your posture.
The feedback is further personalized based on your skill level and body type.
Yoganotch starter kit is available for purchase on the official Yoganotch website for the price of $199.
The starter kit includes 4 Yoganotch sensors and straps.
As a launch promotion, you can get free US shipping, and all purchases before March 1st, 2020, get a lifetime free membership to the Yoganotch app!
PIVOT Yoga app and smart clothes
PIVOT Yoga uses unique sensors in their yoga shirt and pant that communicate with the PIVOT Yoga class sequences.
This advancement in technology provides users a way to get realtime feedback and instruction from teachers without going to a studio.
How does PIVOT Yoga work?
PIVOT Yoga clothing has tiny sensors that wirelessly connect to the mobile app.

To start a yoga session, a user will wear the PIVOT Yoga shirt and yoga pants and choose a yoga class from the unique yoga session library in the PIVOT Yoga mobile app.
Users can stream their class to a TV and watch themselves practice alongside the teacher.
If they have a question about alignment, they can verbally ask.
Thanks to the sensors in the clothing, the feedback is press down to the inch. "Move your left arm up by 3 inches" is an example of the feedback a user would hear.
PIVOT Yoga garments feature a total of 16 sensors throughout the yoga garments to identify the location of every major bone in the body and measure the angle, distance from other body parts, and even how it is rotated.
They have built-in batteries with a charge that lasts one week.
The batteries never have to be removed or replaced, and the clothes can be machines washed on cold and laid flat too dry.
The fabric is lightweight and breathable and flattering for multiple body types.
This impressive technology is affordable and priced similarly to high-end yoga clothing brands.
You can order the PIVOT Yoga Shirt and Pant for only $99.
You will also need the $19 monthly subscription, which gives you unlimited classes through the PIVOT Yoga app.
RESPA Yoga Breathing Sensor
Yoga is more than movement; it's all about the breath.
RESPA is the world's first breathing sensor wearable that tracks your breathing.
RESPA has multiple click-on sensors to choose from, each with a unique focus on a specific activity.

The RESPA Better Yoga sensor gives mental alerts to remind you to come back to your breath during your yoga practice.
It also provides breathing data visualizations and coaching to help you improve your yoga practice over time.
How does RESPA work?
RESPA is easy to use. Attach the RESPA sensor to your sports bra or yoga top with the built-in clip.
The RESPA sensor wirelessly connects via Bluetooth to the companion app for realtime data syncing.
The app provides visual representations of breathing data with easy to read charts.
A single charge gives you up to 36 hours of functionality.

RESPA is currently has a campaign through Indiegogo, and the last update from the team was to begin shipping January 2020.
What yoga technology are you the most excited about?! Comment below!
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