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Having poor eating habits links to six common illnesses: gastritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, tooth decay, and some cancers. Please keep reading to learn about each of these conditions in detail and how poor dietary habits cause them.


A diet high in refined carbohydrates and prepared foods gets associated with the development of Type II diabetes. Here's how it works: 

The bloodstream absorbs glucose molecules as you digest food, where insulin transports them to various cells for energy or storage. However, when a person regularly eats lots of highly processed carbs—like white bread, pasta and rice—the body eventually can't keep up with this demand for insulin. This results in elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). 

Some people have reported feeling fatigued after eating these meals. Their blood sugar drops from a lack of glucose reaching cells. Others don't notice any symptoms until they develop more complications such as nerve pain or blurred vision.

Over time, high blood sugar can cause serious health problems like vision loss and nerve damage. It also increases the risk of developing diabetes (type II). 

The good news is that you can slow down or prevent this whole process by consistently eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins. Lean proteins should be from non-fried sources. Healthy fats like those found in olive oil are all foods compatible with the Mediterranean Diet. 

On the other hand, you can opt for exclusive gastric sleeve revision surgery to help you lose weight so you can quickly adapt to a healthier lifestyle.


What is gastritis? 

Gastritis refers to an inflammation of the lining of your stomach. Your stomach produces enzymes that help digest food and acid, which kills germs and helps with digestion. Gastritis can result from bacterial or viral infections, stress, alcohol use, smoking cigarettes, autoimmune diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. 

It's essential to avoid these factors if you have chronic gastritis because it increases your risk for esophageal cancer later in life. Symptoms include nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain or discomfort after eating certain foods (like fatty meats), loss of appetite & weight loss. If left untreated, symptoms will lead to ulcers forming on the surface of the stomach. 

Treatment includes medication to reduce the amount of acid in your body, surgery, and antibiotics for a bacterial infection.

High Blood Pressure 

This is a condition where one has elevated blood pressure. 

This can result in several other conditions, some serious and life-threatening! One of these conditions includes heart problems such as congestive heart failure or coronary disease. High blood pressure also links to kidney damage and an increased risk for stroke. 

To prevent this condition from occurring, you should eat a healthy diet that limits foods high in sodium (salt), including snacks like chips, pretzels, crackers, and popcorn. Also, limit the amount of alcohol consumed regularly since it can contribute to hypertension too! You may want to speak with your doctor about getting tested if you have not recently checked your blood pressure. 

High Cholesterol 

It results from too much fat in the blood, especially saturated fats. The liver produces bile to digest these oils and break them down into small parts called fatty acids, which the intestines absorb. It is also a condition that is not without its dangers. High cholesterol levels can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and heart attack.

You can reduce high cholesterol by decreasing the amount of saturated fat in your diet.

Tooth Decay

People with high blood pressure must avoid sugar, but even those without hypertension have a reason not to overindulge. A diet laden with white flour and processed sugars can contribute to tooth decay by eroding the enamel on teeth or causing cavities. 

These foods also foster a bacterial overgrowth that contributes to periodontal disease and tooth loss. 

Some Cancers 

Poor diet also causes some cancers. One of the biggest culprits behind cancer is red meat, which causes bowel and stomach cancers.

A few examples of such cancers include:

  • Prostate Cancer - Researchers believe that fatty acids can affect prostate tumor cells. When men with prostate tumors got analyzed, researchers found they had lower levels of omega fatty acids than healthy people did. These findings indicate a need for increased consumption of fish and other foods containing these essential fats. Omega-Fatty Acids also seem to suppress growth factors that help promote tumor development in breast tissue. They also increase estrogen activity in women with estrogen-positive tumors (such as those diagnosed with ovarian or endometrial cancers). Sources include flaxseed oil, salmon, sardines, and walnuts. 
  • Colon cancer. 
  • Breast Cancer - Researchers have been studying the role that fatty acids play in breast cancer for more than 30 years. The research found that women with advanced breast cancer had lower omega-fatty acids circulating in their blood samples than healthy people. 


In conclusion, eating poorly can contribute to many illnesses aside from weight-related problems. Unfortunately, these are deemed "common" and should be aware of when choosing what they put in their bodies.

September 4, 2021
September 4, 2021

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